a self-guided New Years home retreat designed to meet you where you are.

This is the time for purification, healing and rebirth.

In this 5-day home retreat, we will move into 2023 with power, purpose and precision. 

Our journey will include a daily customized practice, journaling assignments, tools for transformation, daily visioning and manifestation tools.

It will be a powerful and nourishing experience that will soothe your soul and seed your highest intention.

I'm ready to emerge into 2023

The universe has made it perfectly clear that we cannot go on as we have before.

To survive and thrive, we must choose something different and build the future that we all deserve. 

Join me for this self-guided Home Retreat designed to support an ongoing home practice that will take you into 2023 with power, purpose and precision.

"When old patterns are broken, new worlds emerge".

That's the theme for our upcoming retreat. Because it's not about forgetting or fixing. It's about radical healing so that we can step into our wholeness and build the future that we all deserve.

"When old patterns are broken, new worlds emerge".

That's the theme for our upcoming retreat. Because it's not about forgetting or fixing. It's about radical healing so that we can step into our wholeness and build the future that we all deserve.

Join Emerge

Set aside a few hours a day for practice, reflection and visioning.  Together, we will resolve to become our best selves and get ready for a powerful and purposeful 2023. 

This is a 5-day detox of the body, mind and soul. Daily offerings create a flexible retreat structure that provides tools in a context that works for you. Each day you'll receive: 

Daily yoga/meditation practice
Daily tools for transformation and manifestation
Daily journaling prompts & writing assignments
Daily Inspiration

"This retreat is carefully designed to help you emerge with more clarity about what small shifts and changes will help support you in your journey towards a life that feels fully authentic and in alignment with what matters to you most." 

"The community has held me through some really hard moments in my life and encouraged me to move forward with my big dreams."

"I still have all of the journal prompts from years past and it is always part of my practice to look back to see where I was and how I have grown. Sometimes we don't realize how far we have come until we reflect back and remember the ways in which our practices, teachers, mentors, communities have supported us."


one time payment

I'm In
Please email [email protected] for additional support
Emerge Through 2023








Emerge Into 2023