Are you a perfectionist? 

Take the FREE quiz today to find out.


We know this. AND YET, so many of us (myself included) fall into the trap and don’t even know it.  

Perfectionism isn’t about trying to do things perfectly. It's about avoiding the vulnerability and discomfort of being human.

Perfectionism looks like procrastinating and people-pleasing, avoiding failure, dwelling on mistakes, never feeling satisfied, self-beat, micro-managing, overwhelm, overthinking, overdelivering, over-everything. It is the enormous and all consuming drive towards a never-ending destination that keeps us deeply insecure, dissatisfied and addicted.

That’s right, addicted. Perfectionism calls to us like a drug.

It tantalizes us with fantasies of satisfaction and achievement. It celebrates our futile attempts at attaining the impossible. It threatens us with shame and unworthiness. And it demands our obedience...or else.

We are confronting this addiction and calling back our power inside the Perfectionists Anonymous Bootcamp. 

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And when we reject the lie - when we trust in our inherent worthiness and share ourselves out of generosity not scarcity - then we can break free from perfectionism’s grip and live into our generative potential. 

Join Kerri Kelly for a 5-day Perfectionists Anonymous Bootcamp where we will explore: 

  • Navigating our addiction to perfectionism and dismantling the self destructive tendencies that sabotage the self and our relationships. 
  • Unpacking the patterns of thoughts/behaviors that perpetuate the illusion of control and anesthetizes emotion through doing. 
  • Reconciling the cost of our compliance to our personal health, our relationships and our work in the world and exploring what is possible when we fail forward and embrace our humanness.  
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Each day of embodied practice, courageous conversation and applied action, we will cover:

  • Never Enough: Perfectionism and Scarcity 

  • Body Wars: Perfectionism and Ableism

  • Being Good: Perfectionism and White Supremacy

  • The Cult of Me: Perfectionism and Individualism

  • Towards Dignity: The Practice of Recovery 

Call times are at 3pm ET / 12pm PT. Recordings will be available. 



This is a 5-day bootcamp to break free of perfectionism. Daily offerings create a flexible retreat structure that provides tools in a context that works for you. Each day there will be a 2 hour community call AND a recovery toolkit including:

Journaling prompts & writing assignments
Tools and resources for transformation

Practice and Inspiration


about your guide 

Hi, my name is Kerri and I’m a recovering perfectionist.

This addiction keeps me striving towards unachievable and impossible goals. I hide inside my fear of failure. Busy-ness and workaholism serve as my socially acceptable cover. The belief that I am not good enough is a pull I have to negotiate and navigate every day. It is a choice, but it is also an indoctrination in a capitalist system that tells me I’m unworthy if I'm not perfect, productive and always improving. Perfectionism is a lie; I know this. But when I forget - when I’m not paying attention - I will do just about anything to achieve the impossible. And thus, goes the never ending, no winning, relentless cycle of scarcity.

This “bootcamp” is a reflection of my own practice of detox and recovery. As a community organizer, wellness activist and author of the book American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal, I’ve been working at the intersection of wellbeing and justice for over 20 years and am known for making waves in the wellness industry by challenging norms, disrupting systems and mobilizing people to act. I’m also the founder of CTZNWELL, a movement to democratize wellbeing for all and am committed to creating the conditions where everyone can thrive. I'm looking forward to being on this journey with you of mutual learning and growing!Â