This is NOT a training. 

A Year of Unlearning is a community of practice.


Using the American Detox book as a guide, we will explore how we’ve been shaped by toxic ideologies (ie: perfectionism, individualism, whiteness, scarcity) and what it’s going to take to heal our cultural wounds and transform into new ways of being. Through embodied practice, radical inquiry and community conversation and support we will transform old patterns in to new possibilities. 

Every month you will receive: 

  • Monthly recovery kit (via email) to expand your consciousness around a particular theme, support you in building your capacity for transformation and inspire new ways of being  


  •  Live community calls to dig deeper into our cultural conditioning and explore practices that disrupt and transform our beliefs, behaviors and future possibilities. These are interactive spaces for us to unlearn and heal together. 


  • Bonus programming throughout the year including movement and meditation practices and LIVE conversations with community leaders, discounts on programming and more. 

Every month you will receive: 

  • Monthly recovery kit (via email) to expand your consciousness around a particular theme, support you in building your capacity for transformation and inspire new ways of being 
  •  Live community calls to dig deeper into our cultural conditioning and explore practices that disrupt and transform our beliefs, behaviors and future possibilities. 
  • Bonus programming throughout the year including movement and meditation practices and LIVE conversations with community leaders 



We understand that healing is a long game. This program is designed for those who are ready to dig deep and want to be a part of a long term journey in trusted community. Enrollment for this cohort is open until 3/21.  









We meet LIVE on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. 2pm PST / 5pm EST.



Fantastic way to stop and really focus on me (for a change!) and my default responses to situations and start to make conscious improvements. Kerri is a wonderful facilitator. - Lyn Malligan


Your work is life changing and is saving lives. - Dani de Jesus




The book club experience profoundly impacted my vision for a community of belonging within my own work. - Kezia Calvert


A Year of Unlearning Investment

We’ve structured payments on an equity scale to accommodate different social locations and financial capabilities: 


pay it forward

Sponsorship price for those with privilege and access to resources who can sponsor another participant


pay because you can

General admission for those who have what they need to participate



pay what you can*

Discounted price for those who are struggling as a result of systemic oppression

Your one time purchase grants you access into this community for the entire year. 

* If you need more assistance, please email [email protected] for additional support



When you join the Year of Unlearning community, you will also receive the Unlearning Perfectionism masterclass for FREE.

Many of us know this perfectionistic affliction intimately. We cling to it, we demand it, we celebrate it. Often referred to as the “enemy of good”, perfectionism has seeped into our cultural bloodstream and has kept us hooked, held back and playing small. 

Well, enough is enough. 


We are confronting this addiction and calling back our power. Through embodied practice, courageous conversation and applied action, we will explore perfectionism as addiction, divesting from control and the price of perfectionism.


Get It Now

Hey y'all, 


I am so excited to officially invite you to join me for a year of unlearning. In my own detox practice, I have struggled with feelings of isolation, judgement and shame. That's why we've created this community of that we can support each other in detoxing and recovering, growing and changing and building the future that we all deserve... together. Join us for a powerful journey of unlearning so that we can recover who we are beyond what we have been told we are, reclaim who we have always been and step into our personal and collective power.